
Eco Fuel Filter Ref. No.: 6G9N9176AB, 1471765, 1802052, 30681552, 31273979, PU932x, PU9003z, MD647,

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Replaces: Ford 6G9N9176AB, Ford Monteo IV 2000 TDCi, M&H PU932X; Fuel filter works as human's tongue and digestive system, it is also one of the most important parts in filtration system of automotive. Fuel filer protect engine's fuel with pertinence, mainly on injection pump and injection nozzle. Fuel filter filtrate the water and impurity in the fuel which mixed inside fuel during production and transportation. Fuel filter separate fuel and water, reduce dissipation of injectio
Product Description:
OEM No. and Cross Reference No.:
6G9N-9176AB 31273979 MD647
1471765 31336192 PU932x  replaced
1802052 ELG5397 PU9003z
30681552 2602000 PE981/1
31342920 KX219D
8621645 KX393D
30794824 E100KPD128