ECO Oil Filter Ref. No.:1601800310, 1601840025, 1601840225, ELH4303, 0003041V004, 0008034V001, HU68x

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Replaces: MCC SMART 600/700/800 Mercedes 1601800310, 1601840025 M&H HU68x; Oil filter installed in the lubrication system of engine, preventing engine from the dust, sand and metal particles which caused by high-speed revolving. Ecological oil filter elements clean the oil that flows through the engine, thus reducing premature wear and tear in all frictional parts. RockFilter offers optimum filtration by providing high efficiency filters.
Product Description:
OEM No. and Cross Reference No.:
1601800310 ELH4303 HU68x
1601840025 0003041V004 MD449
1601840225 0008034V001 E30HD51
6601840025 0019727V001 OX141/1D
0003041V003 19727V001 OX346D